Firni is rice pudding similar to kheer but is made of ground rice, resulting in a smoother textured rice pudding that takes much less time to cook. “Tootian” are clay plates inRead More…
Firni is rice pudding similar to kheer but is made of ground rice, resulting in a smoother textured rice pudding that takes much less time to cook. “Tootian” are clay plates inRead More…
Being first generation Pakistani American, I was taught how to pray by my parents. In the 1980s and early 1990s there were no Adaan clocks and certainly no interactive material to makeRead More…
Seven Years Later, Seven Years Stronger – Lessons from seven years of marriage. 1. Once the endorphins rising, heart palpitating, palms sweating, cliché romance type love fades, it must be replaced byRead More…
Growing up I always had mental countdowns for various targets going on in my mind simultaneously. X days till school ends. X days till my birthday. X days till such and suchRead More…