
Firni is rice pudding similar to kheer but is made of ground rice, resulting in a smoother textured rice pudding that takes much less time to cook.

“Tootian” are clay plates in which Firni is served in Old City Lahore. One can stand by the small hole in the wall shop, eat the creamy, delicious rice pudding flavored with a hint of cardamom; then toss and crush the plate as tradition goes.

These plates came all the way from Pakistan, so when my husband asked if he can step on it after finishing his dessert, I exclaimed, “Nooo!”

Of little value to anyone in Pakistan, they’re extra special to me and make the experience of eating Firni that much more authentic.
What’s better is a tortilla warmer is like a ginormous tooti which is a double, triple, quadruple win win win win!

Ever since I made Firni and served it in tootis, it’s suddenly one of the most popular desserts among my friends circle. I can’t not include you in this deliciousness, so here’s the recipe!

It’s very important to use a thick based pot that isn’t non-stick. The reason for this is, as rhe milk boils it will form a layer at the bottom of the pot. If you use a non-stick pot, the browned layer at the bottom of the pot will form but peel off and float around the dessert.

