Would you believe this is the first time we’re giving our daughter Eidi (Eid gifts)?
This is because my family already gives her Eidi, she has had three big birthdays where she gets gifts from guests and we routinely buy her toys and educational material throughout the year. Also, prior to this year she had no idea about Ramadan or Eid.
Now at age three, she has somewhat of an understanding of Ramadan and Eid. She sees décor in the home, sees us fasting and praying, has been part of Iftar gatherings, and has been excitedly opening the boxes of her Eid countdown calendar. Now that she’s on board, we are giving her Eidi and will continue to do so each year.

I used Eid/Ramadan stamps to decorate and personalize plain wrapping paper.
Age Newborn to 2.5 Years
Children in this age group are pretty much surviving and acclimating themselves to the world. I personally don’t think it’s necessary to give them specific Eidi unless you’re giving someone else’s kids Eidi…then be sure to give generously.
Gift ideas for this age group would be gift cards, money towards saving account, essentials* and age appropriate toys.
Age 2.5 to 5 Years
Children in this age group are suddenly much more aware of their surroundings, celebrations, holidays. My daughter fully celebrated Halloween and was well aware of Christmas time so I wasn’t surprised when we put up Ramadan Decorations and she learned about Ramadan and Eid.
Gift ideas for this age group are age appropriate toys, educational material and essentials*. Their gifts need to be something they can have instant gratification from because they have short attention spans and will thoroughly enjoy when given a gift in the moment.
Age 5 to 10 Years
These kids have longer attention spans so can be given experiences (theme park tickets, shows and events), subscriptions (magazine, monthly box), memberships (zoo, theme park) as well as essentials*, age appropriate toys and educational material.
Age 10+
These kids suddenly wake up and realize they need to aim high…and high they aim. They usually want more expensive items such as electronics and may not be sold on less expensive items and essentials*.
In this case, I recommend teaching them to wait for milestones, birthdays, graduations, Eid. The higher ticket items can be bought at such occasions so there isn’t as much burden on parents throughout the year. Another option is to give them money at different occasions and they can save it up to buy the higher ticket items.
Additionally, great gifts for these kids would also be experiences (theme park tickets, shows, and events), subscriptions (magazine, monthly box), memberships (zoo, theme park) as well as essentials*.
*Essentials – any items of necessity such as clothes, shoes, school supplies, toiletries.