Do not raise your children the way your parents raised you; they were born for a different time – Hazrat Ali

We grow up swearing we won’t do some of the things our parents did when we were children. Trust me…I have a list as I was the firstborn to confused immigrant parents. We’re really not wrong when thinking like this. Our parents came from a different era with different societal standards and norms; perhaps even different socioeconomic backgrounds. They all started off as brand new first time parents with no clue. Can’t blame them!

Extract the best moments from your childhood, add some modern standards as well as newer, more understood common sense and see how your kids childhood thrives. This doesn’t mean we do not or will not make mistakes. That part is inevitable. We live and learn…then our kids can rectify our mistakes when rearing their offspring.
If you’re a parent who worries if you’re doing the right thing…you’re likely doing a great job already.

My last tip for you…if the dress fits, let her wear it. Don’t wait for special occasions because the next time the dress comes out of the closet, it might be too small. Most of Mayas wardrobe of Pakistani clothes are too small on her now; many which she has only worn once. All bottoms are like capris and long shirts are now cholis. Hopefully the Eid clothes I ordered from Pakistan arrive in time!

Lets look at the glass as half full…baby girl is growing up, MashAllah ♡